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Certificate: Christian Religious Practitioner - Associate

National Qualifications Fremework Level 2

Course Detail

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Christian Religious Practitioner.

A Christian Religious Practitioner facilitates the effective practice of ministry work within a specific congregation/faith community to encourage spiritual formation, to nurture fellowship and mutual care within the congregation/faith community, to help members developing a Christian lifestyle, to provide Christian leadership, to ensure organisational well-being, and to facilitate appropriate responses of the congregation/faith community to needs in the wider society.

A qualified learner will be able to:

  • Share the gospel in a specific context and to a specific audience.
  • Build caring relationships in the faith community and respond to the spiritual and physical needs of members.
  • Provide spiritual leadership and develop leaders in a faith community.
  • Arrange and oversee the day to day running of ministries and of the administrative and accountability processes of the faith community.
  • Share the gospel in a specific context and to a specific audience
MASCOL Apst. Petrus Goeieman

Petrus Goeieman

Bachelor of Theology

Course Content

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of the basic operational principles, structure and fundamental interpretation of the Bible. Learners will required to gain concise understanding of the interpretation principles associated with the various books in the Bible and will be required to relate these interpretations to appropriate live contexts.

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-01-KT01: The Bible (67%)
  • KM-01-KT02: Interpretation of the Bible (33%)

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-02-KT01: Key Christian Beliefs (10%)
  • KM-02-KT02: Christian lifestyle (24%)
  • KM-02-KT03: Key aspects in building a Christian faith community (48%)
  • KM-02-KT04: Christian Spiritual formation (9%)
  • KM-02-KT05: Christianity and Culture (9%)

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of x

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-03-KT01: Preparing and delivering sermons (60%)
  • KM-03-KT02: Conducting worship services (40%)

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of x

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-04-KT01: Doing Christian pastoral care (50%)
  • KM-04-KT02: Different needs requiring pastoral care (50%)

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of c

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-05-KT01: Spiritual leadership in the faith community (33%)
  • KM-05-KT02: Church administration and accountability (22%)
  • KM-05-KT03: Arrange and oversee faith community activities (ministries) (22%)
  • KM-05-KT04: Communication in a faith community (23%)

The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of c

The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • KM-06-KT01: History of the church (43%)
  • KM-06-KT02: Task of the church in the world (14%)
  • KM-06-KT03: Ways of sharing the Gospel (14%)
  • KM-06-KT04: Helping people in need Ways of sharing the Gospel (14%)
  • KM-06-KT05: Speaking out for what is right and fair (15%)

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